Expo L

Dárkové sety Expo L

Rozjeďte to s naší dárkovou sadou Expo L, která obsahuje nákupní tašku, zápisník, pero, šňůrku na krk a láhev na vodu. Součástí krabice může být také nálepka s vaším logem - bez dalších nákladů. Kontaktujte nás ještě dnes ohledně cen, brandingu, dodacích lhůt a možností kombinací, které si přejete zvolit.
Chci nabídku
Dodací lhůta 12 dní. Za tuto dobu vám objednávku sestavíme, přizpůsobíme i dodáme!

00 hodiny 00 minuty 00 vteřiny zůstává do objednání pro dodaní dne úterý 5. listopadu 2024

Dostupné již od 10 kusů

Ať už vyžadujete malé nebo velké množství, naši přátelští account manažeři vám poskytnou ty nejlepší služby, které mohou. Zeptejte se pro získání cen, virtuálních ukázek s vaším logem a vzorků. Bez povinnosti objednávat.

Our Reviews (1015)
  • 1
    Nádobí na pití: Nova Pure 500ml
  • 2
    Nákupní taška: Spirit
  • 3
    Pero: Quad
  • 4
    Zápisník: Softy
  • 5
    Šňůrka na krk: Summit 20mm
  • 6
  • Skartovaný papír
  • Zvažujete tento balíček?
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Ceny přímo z továrny
Objednávky od 10 ks
Rychlé dodací lhůty

Nedávná hodnocení Expo L

15. října 2024

Randall McCune Jr

Randall McCune Jr. was extremely helpful and very informative. He made the purchasing process a breeze and his customer service was excellent.
Cody Smith
8. října 2024

We enjoyed getting the free samples…

We enjoyed getting the free samples which were good quality. They managed to match colours for us in the final design and the Logo came out beautifully. Justin was very helpful
Aveline Wilson
5. října 2024

Shelly Gibson's customer service was…

Shelly Gibson's customer service was above and beyond. As a non-profit were always understaffed ant prepared. I put my trust in Shelly and she took bull by the horns and just took over the project from the design phase to following up with us after the order was received to verify our satisfaction.
Greg Ranneberger
26. září 2024

Randall is very easy to work with

Randall is very easy to work with. The product turned out great.
Mountainview Builders Supply
23. září 2024

Great customer service!!

Great customer service! Very friendly and worked quick to get my order done on time. Shelby was amazing!
Michelle Lubbert
10. září 2024

High-level customer service from beginning to end

Eric and his team were extremely personable and interested in ensuring that we were happy and had a full view of the options and prices available. From the first contact to the final delivery, we talked to people who asked how they could help us at every step of our decision-making process. That's very valuable, and we will be repeat customers without a doubt!
Andy Owens
7. srpna 2024

Water Bottles

Eric has been terrific at answering All of my questions. sending Email after Email to show me and explain in detail how things would look. the whole process was so easy with him helping me. The finished product Looks AMAZING! the team did a great job.
Charlotte Kifer
6. srpna 2024

Very high quality branden bottles

Great comunication, friendly behaviour, very good quality, very good branding quality. Recommend
Jan B.
5/5 Trustpilot Hodnocení Všechna 1015 hodnocení.